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Boda Borg Karlskoga - Payroll Customer for 20 Years

This year we celebrate that Boda Borg in Karlskoga has been a payroll customer for 20 years! The customer sums up these 20 years as grateful - so that they can avoid payroll work and focus on other things. We celebrated by visiting the adventure house Boda Borg in Karlskoga one morning and getting an exciting tour.

Boda Borg has been around since 1997 and is a franchise concept. Boda Borg is located in several places in and outside of Sweden. They are adventure houses with quests. A quest consists of 2-5 rooms where each team must solve one or more tasks to move forward. 

Boda Borg lönekund referens

See a walk-through and interview with CEO Samuel, Boda Borg Karlskoga

Boda Borg Karlskoga has been an Accountor customer for 20 years, and a satisfied one. Together with Maria Dietmann, team manager, who has been with us from the start and Annika Palmqvist, payroll consultant, we met Boda Borg Karlskoga to celebrate them and hear what they think about our collaboration.

We met the three energetic owners Samuel Bergvall, CEO, Martin Ärlandsback, and Eric Schön outside Boda Borg and got an exciting tour of many clever quests. But we weren't offered any revelations about how to solve them or any clues. We asked what made the cooperation last as long as 20 years and what he thinks about it.

"Grateful! So I don't have to, I've got much more fun things to do than work on my salary. Like coming up with new quests. We are very pleased with the cooperation and appreciate that the service frees up time that I use to focus on developing the business," says a satisfied Samuel. 

It is clear that Boda Borg Karlskoga has a good overview of their business and that they are constantly working to change and develop it. They have had a tough period with the pandemic. But they were quick to adapt their business and reduce staff. They were on a sound financial footing and took advantage of all the possible support they could get to survive. At their worst, they were down to 6 full-time employees. But they were somewhat lucky, because during their peak season they were able to have some visitors, although on a limited scale, explains Samuel. Now they are looking forward and the season has started well.

Interview conducted in 2022.

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