
Responsibility is a part of Accountor
We are Accountorians and the name Accountor comes from the English word accountability. Therefore, an Accountorian is a responsible person you can trust.
Working responsibly is the core of our business. At Accountor, responsibility primarily means confidentiality and responsible handling of information. However, responsibility at Accountor means also much more.
“Our customers trust us to handle their confidential material. Responsibility is therefore an integral part of our daily operations. We also want to show our responsibility in the society in many ways,” says Niklas Sonkin, our CEO.
We show our responsibility in our society in different ways, read more.
Accountor and society
Working responsibly is the core of our business. We contribute in many ways to supporting our society – its businesses, communities and people.Working responsibly is the core of our business. We contribute in many ways to supporting our society – its businesses, communities and people.
We work closely with various educational institutions. Cooperation is an important factor on the way to sustainable development and success. With numerous study courses, assignments and project work, as well as internships and theses, students get a very practical grasp of the needs of working life. At many student events, our employees also tell students what kind of career opportunities they can find at Accountor.

One of our ways to work for the society is through our partnership and cooperation with business communities and organizations.
Respecting diversity, we are also involved in projects and events that promote age and gender equality.
At Christmas time, we traditionally show our support via a social charity organisation. We ask our personnel in all of our units and country organisations across Accountor to select the cause. In the exceptional year 2020, we want to support people's wellbeing. Thus we chose responsibly to support organisations that work to promote mental health and prevent mental illnesses. Each country that we operate in supports a local organisation.
Charity and children are close to Accountorians’ hearts in general. This exceptional year, we support the Red Cross in their work for children with mental health disabilities.

Accountor and economy

Working responsibly is the core of our business. We want to take concrete steps to take responsibility not only for our own and our customers' finances, but also for our partners and for the economy in the society.
By developing our digital systems, we take our responsibility for ensuring that in the future the financial, payroll and HR administration can be performed as reliably, efficiently and safely as possible. We invest in the know-how and utilization of new technologies, such as software robotics, artificial intelligence and machine learning, in the development of both our systems and working methods.
We respect and protect the intellectual property rights of others as carefully as our own. We require our suppliers and partners to comply with environmental, anti-corruption and other Accountor’s ethical requirements.
Accountor and environment

Working responsibly is the core of our business. We are constantly developing our services through digitalisation and automation. Thus, we save a considerable amount of paper, which saves our environment.
We are developing our premises and their use to be more environmentally friendly. Our latest development is seen in our new head office, Accountor Tower in Espoo, Finland, where more than 600 employees from our various units work. The building has been granted the Leed Environmental Certificate and all our employees work in accordance with it.
We participate in the (economic crisis) community to create a reliable and real-time snapshot of the Finnish economy. We have analysed the real-time billing data in our systems and made our analysis available to the community so that companies and policy makers can make the right decisions.

One of our concrete actions in responsible economics is to take care of the accounting of a volunteer charity organisation in Finland.
"By taking care of the Syöpäklinikan Tukijat ry’s (Cancer Clinic Supporters' Association) accounting, our support for the association is continuous, not just a one-off action," says Anna-Kaisa Packalen, Accounting Service Director at Accountor.