Sometimes, when dispute resolution seems impossible, business owners or directors may have to file a lawsuit against somebody or to defend their company in court.
There can be a variety of reasons, but usually, business lawsuits have to do with:

- Failure to fulfil contractual obligations, e.g., payment or delivery terms
- Inconsistent product quality and produst description
- Termination or invalidation of the contract
- Changes of contractual conditions
- Collection of debts, fines or penalties
- Compensation for damage
Being involved in a business lawsuit means that you have to prepare the required documents, participate in court hearings, analyze all materials related to the case, etc. To save your time and to avoid any mistakes, you can contact the Legal Department of Accountor Ukraine, and have our experts do it on your behalf.
The Accountor Ukraine team will take care of all the aspects of different court proceedings, i.e.:

- Litigation strategy
- Procedural documents (statements etc.) that the parties must submit at the preparatory court session or before the formal start of the trial
- Our attorney shall participate in the court hearings on your behalf
- Appealing
- Cassation proceedings
- Execution of court decisions
To learn more about our litigation service, please call us at +38 044 364 38 68, fill out the form below or email us at