NB! New Templates for CIT and VAT Declarations
Accountor informs that by Decree No. 488 of 14.11.2019 the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine approved changes in the template of the income tax and the value-added tax (further: VAT) declarations for companies. This decree entered into force on 01.01.2020, that is why from January 2020 onward, companies must file them in accordance with the new templates.
It should be noted that mainly, the report templates were updated due to cancelation of the tax perks amounts report. Because of this, the new annex titled “ПП” “Information on tax perks amounts" was added to the Corporate Income Tax (further: CIT) declaration, and a relevant cell appeared in the table of annexes. Like the template of tax perks amounts report, the “ПП” annex includes the following data:
• Name and code of tax perk according to perk catalog approved by the SFS;
• Amount of tax perks;
• Timespan when tax perks were used in the reporting period;
• Amount of tax perks used for the specific purpose(s) these perks may be used for.
The annexes “ПН”, “ВП” and “РІ” have also been amended. E.g., in comment to Annex “ПН”, it is now required to indicate the full name of the non-resident party and their location as it is stated in the contract/agreement. The “ВП” Annex now has a table for the annexes to declaration which have been submitted (that is, financial statement forms for the reporting period/tax period in question). The “РІ” Annex lists the updated names of tax differences for financial operations which the financial result is increased by before taxes in lines 3.1.6,, and 3.1.7. Thus, now, the annexes fully comply with the norms established in the Tax Code of Ukraine.
Canceling the perk report has also resulted in certain changes in VAT declaration, i.e.:
• Update of the whole annex 6 regarding the VAT which has not been paid in full or in part because of the tax perks the company has, whereas the amount of the perks obtained for the period shall be shown in a special cell (in the “Total” line of table 2 of annex 6);
• Change of procedure of filling out and filing the VAT declaration. E.g., formulas are provided to calculate tax perks amounts for annex 6 of the declaration. Besides, companies shall enter the “99999999” code in annex 6 in case if the perk code cannot be found in tax perk catalogs as of the date when the declaration is filed;
• Making adjustments and corrections (editing) the main part of the declaration and its annexes. E.g., due to implementation of IBAN international standards, MFO sort codes have been removed from annex 4 on VAT refund, as they have become redundant.
So, with reference to the subject mentioned above, we would like to drive your attention to the fact that CIT declaration has undergone certain changes in main body, description of line 26, in the comments on filing annexes, in annexes “РІ”, “ПН”, “ВП” and it now has a new annex: “ПП” (regarding tax perks).
Regarding VAT declaration: apart from the fact that the main body and annexes have undergone certain editing, the form of adjustment calculation of VAT liabilities (which is filed when a mistake is corrected by the company) has been changed as well. However, the most important change was the update of annex 6 concerning tax perks.