Company Registration in Ukraine: An Update
Once the war started in Ukraine, the authorities closed access to all state registers, including the Unified State Register of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and public organizations. Because of this, it was impossible for entrepreneurs to register any legal entities in Ukraine for a while.
However, after several weeks, the authorities allowed registering charitable organizations, and and eventually also business entities of other legal forms. Currently, Ukrainians register dozens of LLCs, public organizations, and FOPs (private entrepreneurships) every day - of course, mostly in cities, towns and villages that are far away from the combat zones. Besides, many charitable foundations are being opened by both Ukrainian and foreign volunteers.

Foreign entrepreneurs are also expanding their business activities to the Ukrainian market. Mostly, foreigners register companies related to computer programming, construction, car leasing, technology & research, wholesale trade and pharmaceutical industry.
We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that Accountor Ukraine provides company registration service and offers a package of accounting services for startup companies. We will help you choose the right legal form and taxation system for your business, obtain the residence and work permits, draw up the required documents, open bank accounts and take care of your bookkeeping.