New from January 2023 - all employers must provide information on the employee's workplace
The Swedish Parliament has decided that you as an employer must provide information about the address of the workplace and the location of the workplace for all employees. The information must be provided in the PAYE tax return per employee from and including the salary relating to January 2023.
For those we help with payroll this means that we need to receive information about the main workplace's street address as well as the workplace’s city or town for all your employees. If you have agreed upon another workplace with the employee you need to provide the street address and the city or town for that workplace.
The main rule is that the place of employment is where the employee does the main part of his/her work, the employee can only have one place of employment with one and the same employer.
If you have questions about this, there is information on the Swedish Tax Agency's website on the subject.
Please see: Technical description 1.1.13 | Skatteverket
PAYE tax return per employee (AGI) is submitted every month to report salary payments and tax deductions per employee.