“Why have you deducted parental leave for me over the weekend? Lisa was with her grandfather then!”
Quota deduction by calendar day. A common question that Accountor's payroll consultants receive from employees concerns quota deduction by calendar day, In this article, we sort out a common question from our customers.
In Sweden, quota deduction is made when an employee is absent more than five days
A quota deduction by calendar day is something that is done when the employee is absent from work for more than 5 days. Then, a deduction is made for each calendar day during the leave / absence. The deduction is also made for days off and public holidays, but is then lower than a daily deduction.
Example how quota deduction by calendar day is used
When you are away from work for eg. parental leave on Thursday and Friday and also the following Monday to Thursday with a weekend in between, this is more than five working days in a row. Then a quota deduction by calendar day also is made for the weekend, though lower than a daily deduction. The size of the deduction is calculated on your monthly salary through a formula. It is your company’s collective agreement that regulates the deduction. In the collective agreement that applies at your workplace, you can read more about the rules and the calculation.
The quota deduction by calendar day is made for, among other things, parental leave, leave of absence, and from the 15th day of sick leave. This is not a new rule, but many do not know of it.
Are you familiar with your collective agreement? Do you need help with payroll?
Accountor's competent Payroll Consultants have extensive knowledge of various collective agreements, laws and regulations. Read more about our payroll services or contact us for more information.