Thanks to Accountor, the CEO of Håll Nollan sleeps well at night
Everyone working in the construction industry should come home safe and sound after a day at work. At least that's what the member association Håll Nollan is fighting for. When they were founded in 2017, they needed help with their accounting - but didn't know how.
Håll Nollan is a membership association for all companies in the construction industry with the aim of reducing accidents. The association contributes with knowledge sharing in the form of seminars and network meetings, the awarding of the work environment prize and the production of support material for member organizations. Ulrika Dolietis is the CEO of Håll Nollan and has been involved since the start in 2017.
"We have utilized the experience of the association Byggherrarnas erfarenhet, with whom we have shared offices since the start. They are also a non-profit organization that in turn owns limited companies and operates in the construction industry - just like us. When Håll Nollan started, I asked Byggherrarnas' CEO Tommy Lenberg about most things, including his recommendation of Accountor as an accounting firm," says Ulrika.
Accompaniment and day-to-day accounting
Ulrika came from a managerial position at Skanska and, although she was used to financial responsibility, she had only managed her specific part of a larger puzzle. She lacked more practical knowledge of what it takes to manage and lead an association and company.
I booked a meeting with Tommy's contact at Accountor, Lars Ireneus. We had a few meetings and I quickly felt that this was someone who inspired confidence. When I ordered the service, I didn't really even know what we needed, but a lot of it was about getting guidance from Lars. He helped me with most of what I needed to get started," says Ulrika.
"Accountor does a lot that I don't even know about"
Five years later, Lars and Accountor are still handling Håll Nollan's accounting. Accountor takes care of all member invoicing, VAT returns, ongoing payments as well as financial statements, annual reports, and audit support.
"I see if invoices are sent and then paid, but most of what is done I am not even aware of. If there is something I need to sign or pay in to the tax authorities, I get a message. I never have to tell Lars what to do - it's the other way around," says Ulrika.
Can sleep well at night
Most communication takes place via a case management system. The intensity of contact varies during the year, but Ulrika and Lars are usually at least consulted before each board meeting every three months or so, as well as before the financial statements and tax returns.
"What I like best about Accountor is above all the concept of 'Lars the person' and his expert knowledge and reliability. What needs to be done is always done and he does it in a way that makes me feel safe. Since the audit has always been good so far, it's another proof that he does a good job," says Ulrika.
Even though Lars is employed by another company, he has become like a colleague to Ulrika. She thinks it's important to have a personal relationship with your suppliers too. After all, it's the employees who do the work in the end, "not some fancy portal". Ulrika Dolietis concludes:
"It has been important for me to feel confident in making decisions about financial matters, even though I have not always had previous experience. As CEO, I still have a lot of responsibility in the end. But I don't sleep badly at night - because I have Lars at Accountor."