The first sick day deduction replaced by a qualifying deduction January 1, 2019
From January 1, 2019, the current qualifying period, the first sick day deduction is replaced by a qualifying deduction. The qualifying deduction is a deduction of 20% calculated on an average week.
Qualified deduction when sick means that you receive sick pay from the first day
The new qualifying deduction means that those who become ill will receive sick pay from the first sick day, regardless of whether they worked a few hours that day or not. This may be an advantage, as people might desist from going to work when not feeling well. With these rules you might as well stay at home in the immediate and not risk infecting any of your colleagues. This deduction should provide a more equitable alternative, especially for individuals who work uncomfortable hours and varied lengths on working days. People with varying working days could previously receive a large salary deduction, as there was no limitation on how long or short a day could be.
Example how the qualified deduction works
If you go home two hours earlier due to illness, it will be 1/5 (20%) deduction of the week, ie one day in principle. The qualified deduction is the same regardless of what period you are ill during the day or how long you should have worked. The deduction is calculated on 20% of the average weekly allowance. Exactly how is governed by the current collective agreement.
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