A simpler day

"We had a desire for a fully digitized accounting system, and our former provider could not deliver this," says Samareh Granqvist in Røros Region Næringshage.
The business area for the Røros and Tynset regions (Rørosregionen Næringshage AS) is a regional development company. They strive to be a driving force for tomorrow's value creation.
Samareh continues her statement: "We became aware of Accountor and their services and systems. Accountor helps us with accounting, payroll, and reporting. And we get much good advice from Accountor."
We ask Samareh if she has experienced an improvement in everyday life and her answer is: "My workday has been both simplified and more efficient after the transition to Accountor. I have the capabilities I need to respond quickly to our customers, as well as having the opportunity to have a complete overview of our economy at all times.
Our daily manager has also got better and easier reporting routines for his board. We are also very pleased with Visma.net and the simplification of making travel bills etc. as it has given us. "
We also asked if she feels she get the help she needs, and Samareh answers that she gets good help and quick answers from us. She says she can safely recommend Accountor to others.