Become an Franchisee
From the beginning
Do you remember the first day you started in the company? The commitment, dream and expectations of the future. Maybe also a little fear of what was expected.
Starting or leading a company in the accounting industry is like getting married. Every day is about love, dedication and consideration for your customers.
We know that running an accounting office you have many dreams while many think a lot about the digital future while at the same time you want to look after your customers in the best possible way.
See it from our side; we've been there. From the start, when we were 50 people, to today where we are 2,300 dedicated experts in seven countries.
We are confident that our passion is helping others succeed. Perhaps you have promised that your company will be something big.
We at Accountor have passion for numbers, people and growth. Join the journey.
About becoming a franchisee in Accountor
In a business sector characterized by structural changes, the requirements for quality and cost efficiency increase in parallel. As a supplier of services requiring competence, you must be able to follow the pace of change by continuously focusing on improving the services.
As a franchisee in Accountor you get access to a concept that will contribute to the profitable and rational operation of your accounting and advisory agency - a change for the future.

Vidar Østbu, general manager of Accountor Hamar has good experience with being a franchisee at Accountor:
"Since we entered the franchisee in the Accountor chain in 2003, we have had solid growth, both in volume and in earnings. In addition to good supplier agreements negotiated by the chain, assistance from central administration has saved us too much self-administration time; a work that is then performed both more professionally and efficiently.
As a franchisee in Accountor, we experience greater security, a large network of skilled employees, strong branding, modern IT solutions. Accountor is a forward-looking chain that is a positive locomotive for our local operations, without us being overrun! ”
Accountor søker nye franchisetakere
Accountor har i dag over 70 kontorsteder, hvor halvparten er franchisetakere. De fleste av våre kontorer er markedsledere i sitt lokalmarked.
Som franchisetaker eier du og driver din forretning lokalt, men har bistand innenfor områder der en daglig leder i regnskapsbransjen naturlig ikke har spisskompetanse.
Områder hvor vi har kompetanse og kan bistå deg som franchisetaker er; marked og salg, stordriftsavtaler, IKT, rekruttering, HR samt lønnsom drift av ditt kontor. Du får også tilgang på et nettverk som har som mål å bistå og hjelpe hverandre frem til en større suksess.
Vil du høre mer?
Her kan du lese mer om hva det vil si å være franchisetaker i Accountor.