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Open positions in Norway

Would you like to work with us?

In Accountor, we want to hire the most talented people who have passion for results. Those working for Accountor often work as a professional accountant, payroll specialist, or software developer. But we also have many other exciting positions. Do you have any questions? Contact Accountor Norge on phone 02714, or send an e-mail to [email protected]

See our vacancies in the list below

Our vacancies

Er du en regnskapsstjerne i Gjøvik, eller vil du utvikles til å bli en?


As soon as possible
Vil du utvikles til en regnskapsstjerne og kundens viktigste rådgiver?


As soon as possible
Lønnskonsulent til vårt kontor på Gjøvik


As soon as possible
Lønnskonsulent til vårt kontor i Fredrikstad


As soon as possible
Lønnskonsulenter avdeling Oslo


As soon as possible
