Anna makes sure that Accountor's accounting is of high quality – intelligent automation as a new tool
I am Anna Aalto and in this blog post I will tell you about my own career path during the past ten years at Accountor.
While studying at the University of Helsinki and after graduating, I worked in sales and marketing companies. When my daughters were small, I wanted to find a secure job where I would learn something new and also have time to spend time with my children. I decided to participate in a digital financial management training program and as a result started to work for Pretax (today Accountor) in Ympyrätalo, Hakaniemi, Helsinki. At that time, online invoices and digital financial management software began to become more common and the amount of shelves full of folders decreased. I started my work with a customer’s software change project and then moved to working part-time with ledgers.
Becoming an accounting expert
I got the opportunity to change my workplace within Accountor to my hometown Espoo, to a small office in Otaniemi. It was very interesting to get to know the business operations of different companies through accounting and meet nice customers.

In the small office, I was able to do a lot of different tasks and acted, for example, as a shop steward and an occupational health and safety representative. In terms of accounting, I developed tremendously thanks to a great team leader and completed the KLT degree, which is a special professional degree in accounting.
High-quality and uniform accounting – globally
I received a request and was given the opportunity to move back to Ympyrätalo in Hakaniemi to describe and develop Accountor's accounting process, so that the accountants' working methods would be efficient and practical in all Accountor's accounting offices in Finland.
I described and mapped processes and wrote work instructions as well as trained teams in the new way of working.
My workplace changed again to Espoo. First to Keilalampi with a beautiful sea view and then to the amazingly high and wonderful vantage point in Keilaniemi, the Accountor Tower.
I received a lot of support from Accountor's global function, which ensures that uniform operating methods are applied to all Accountor country organisations.
Artificial intelligence and integrations to make the accountant's work easier
The defined processes brought with them new tools and communication channels. Development work now continues with automation ideas. Artificial intelligence, integration and robotics projects have been included in the process work.
I get to act as a change agent, which was already talked about when I was studying. I just didn't know then what all it takes to go through the change and what things in the world are changing so quickly.