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Legal services Accountor brand

Open positions within finance, accounting, payroll and HR

Below you will find our open positions at Accountor as well the open position at our customers. We are continuously recruiting specialists and managers within finance, accounting, payroll and HR to permanent as well as interim positions. We support all companies of all sizes with recruitment and staffing to their finance and HR departments. Feel free to apply to one of our open positions, or upload your resume in our candidate database. Our recruitment team will contact you, when we have a relevant position matching you profile.

Group Financial Controller to support ambitious growth plans in a dynamic environment

As soon as possible
Selvstændig og udadvendt regnskabsmedarbejder til Lundbeckfonden

As soon as possible
Videbegærlig Junior Controller søges til Söderberg & Partners, en international virksomhed og en af Nordens førende forsikringsmæglere


As soon as possible
Studentermedhjælper (stud.jur) med interesse for ansættelsesret og personalejura søges til Accountor, en international konsulentvirksomhed i Herlev

As soon as possible
Selvstændig og IT-stærk Regnskabsansvarlig med et godt overblik og en fleksibel indstilling


As soon as possible
Serviceminded og IT-stærk Økonomikonsulent med passion for kunder


As soon as possible
Team-orienteret økonomimedarbejder med potentiale søges til Censea i Køge


As soon as possible
Søger du nye udfordringer indenfor økonomi- og regnskabsområdet?


As soon as possible