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Accessibility and efficiency define the partnership between SilverBack and Accountor

Being a staffing company operating in various countries means being aware of many different regulations. The Irish company SilverBack has been using accountants’ taxation services for many years and describes a fruitful relationship here.

A long-term relationship is formed 

The Dublin-based staffing company SilverBack has been supplying staff to various countries in Europe since 2012, with Sweden being the largest market. Originally, it started off providing blue-collar workers like plumbers and electricians, but in the last four or five years, it has also been providing white-collar workers to countries like Sweden, Norway, and Denmark.

When SilverBack explored its Swedish opportunities in 2012, Enterprise Ireland, the Irish government organisation responsible for the development and growth of Irish companies worldwide, introduced Matrisen, a company that Accountor later acquired. The relationship fully began in 2016, and they’ve had a fruitful relationship since then.

Timely responses and easy access make all the difference

Accountor was already established as a financial partner when Kevin O’Farrell started working at the company eight years ago with compliance and ensuring the regulatory requirements in all the countries the company operates in are met. What Kevin appreciates most about the partnership is Accountors’ availability, and that regardless of who he’s in touch with, they always have a good way of addressing things:

– The best parts about the collaboration are the easy access, efficiency, and timely responses. I never have to chase the answer to a specific question. If they don’t have the answer to that question right away, they will always find out and get back to me with an answer. 

Consultancy in taxation in both Sweden and Holland

Kevin describes how collaboration has changed over the years. In the early days, they got help with tasks like registering people, applying for coordination numbers, personal numbers, etc. Even though they work specifically with taxation in Sweden, they’ve also used Accountors’ services in Holland. 

They’ve also become more independent. A few years ago, they usually had weekly meetings and regular contact with their Tax Advisor, Erik Strömberg. Today, the communication is more sporadic. If they need consultancy in taxation issues, they reach out to Accountor for their thoughts. 

– I think because we’ve been with them so long, we’re now pretty comfortable in the Swedish area and pride ourselves on being very compliant. But the help we’ve gotten and still get ensures that we also stay compliant. They are always helpful, and we appreciate that we can use them as a sounding board. For instance, if there’s a change to a specific legislation, we reach out to get their thoughts on it. 

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