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Ongoing accounting and world-class expert advice for IT company Erlang Solutions

With the same personal advisor since 2008, IT company Erlang Solutions has found a long-term and knowledgeable accounting partner in Accountor. The benefits of this partnership are many - and here Erik Schön, CEO, explains why he continues to choose Accountor year after year.

Erlang Solutions is a multi-country IT consulting company, part of the Trifork Group. The company offers a range of services in system development, training, support, and conferences. It has employees throughout Sweden with responsibility for the Nordic market.

CEO of Erlang Solutions in Sweden since 2019 is Erik Schön, who has a broad remit in his role ranging from strategy work and business development to recruitment and administration. Since the start, he has worked closely with Accountor for accounting and payroll services. He highlights them as a reliable and efficient partner that delivers both ongoing bookkeeping and niche advice with bravura:

"We have worked with Accountor since 2008 - so far back that they were not even called Accountor then. One of the big advantages is that we've actually had the same advisor ever since, Ulrika Hedberg. She has handled our accounting flawlessly and kept everything together over the years. Ulrika knows our entire history and is very familiar with the company," says Erik. 

Expert help a phone call away - in both tax and legal matters

As Erlang Solutions operates in different countries, with the parent company in the UK, knowledge of issues such as tax implications or employee stock option programs has also been important. With its experienced experts in tax legislation, Accountor has been able to quickly provide answers to questions and give good advice.

"We also have employees in Finland, and since Accountor is also available there, it works just as smoothly to handle everything with salary, insurance, and social security contributions as here in Sweden", says Erik. 

Accountor currently works with the ongoing accounting and bookkeeping for Erlang Solutions and has full insight into how people work, as well as everything related to salary, vacations, and parental leave. They also handle invoice management, where Erik uses the flexible digital tool Portal to submit documents. The work goes like clockwork - although Erik says that there have been a few occasions over the years when a consultant has been careless. This is something that Ulrika Hedberg has been very responsive to and quickly ensured that the person in question has been replaced, which has been appreciated.

"Ulrika makes sure that everything is tip-top from start to finish. We've never had any problems with audits or similar, everything works exactly as it should. When it goes this quickly and smoothly, it frees up a lot of time for me that I can spend on business development and staff development instead of administration, which is really an advantage," says Erik.

Unique specialist advice with answers to difficult questions

Accountor has also been very helpful in areas beyond the day-to-day accounting for Erlang Solutions, something Erik highlights as a unique advantage in their collaboration. He tells us about a specific assignment where Erlang Solutions worked with research and development:

"Under Swedish law, you can get a tax reduction for research and development projects, which we wondered if we qualified for. Since Accountor has specialists in tax legislation, we got a lot of help from Erik Strömberg, who is a senior tax advisor. He came in with fresh eyes and helped us interpret legal texts, sort out the definitions and formulate, review, and submit our notification to the Swedish Tax Agency so that everything went right. Great expert help at a high level!"

Long-term partnership is highly valued

When Erik Schön joined Erlang Solutions in 2019, they had eight employees, and today, just five years later, they have grown to 17. He says Accountor is also growing with them and their needs. However, it is not a partnership he takes for granted. Every two years, the partnership is carefully evaluated, comparing Accountor with other suppliers and their offerings. When Erik is sometimes asked to recommend an accounting firm, he emphasizes the value of a lasting partnership:

"We continue to choose Accountor mainly because of the long-term partnership. It's something we value highly - when all the basics just work, without having to think. Besides that, the fact that we always get quick help whatever comes up, and that they can actually solve things that feel difficult for us, is very valuable", Erik concludes.

Do you need help with bookkeeping and tax advice? Contact us

