Does your company fulfil the requirements of residence after Brexit?
Company requirements of residence after Brexit. The UK left the EU on January 31, 2020. On January 1, 2021 the UK also left the EEA (European Economic Area). If you as a Swedish company have staff residing in the UK, you may need to make adjustments.
A certain number of officials in Swedish limited companies and economic associations are required to reside in the EEA. Does your company or economic association have officials residing in the UK? After January 1, 2021 your company might no longer fulfil the Swedish requirements of residence.
Which officials are required to reside in the EEA?
The following persons in a Swedish limited company or economic association must reside within the EEA:
- At least half of the board members
- At least half of the deputy board members
- The managing director
- All deputy managing directors
- At least one of the specially authorized signatories
The following officials of a branch must reside within the EEA:
- The managing director
- All deputy managing director
What can be done to comply with these rules?
Appoint new officials at the company’s general meeting to meet the requirements of residency and file for registration with the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket). You can file for registration in their e-service verksamt.se or using a printed application form.
You may also apply for an exemption from the residency requirements with the Swedish Companies Registration Office, using the form
Application for exemption from the requirement of residence within EEA because of Brexit, no 814 B. nr 814 B.
Accountor can help you with both information and assistance. We can help with the appointment and registration of new officials or applying for exemption from the residency requirements. Accountor can also help you with payroll, accounting, HR, corporate service, and tax advice. No matter which areas are affected by Brexit, we will keep track of the ones that applies to you. Please contact us if you would like to know how we can help you.