For Christmas 2022 Accountor supports the children in Ukraine
Christmas is a time for caring and sharing. This Christmas our thoughts are going to our colleagues in Ukraine and in particular to the children who are affected by the war in Ukraine. This year, we are making our Christmas donation to UNICEF's Emergency Relief Fund for Ukraine.
"The situation in Ukraine is awful and it’s difficult to understand the conditions and the horror that Ukrainian children and families are currently in. It's great that both Accountorians and our customers think that it’s important to help those suffering from the war in Ukraine," says Accountor's CEO Niklas Sonkin.
Helping people is in line with Accountor's People First principle. Also in accordance with the principle, Accountor directly supports its employees working in Ukraine and their families in many ways, most recently with power plants, so they better can cope with power outages.
The donation to UNICEF will help support more children affected by the war in Ukraine.
We would like to thank all our customers and partners for this year which has been exceptional in many ways. At the same time, we wish you happy holidays, and in all aspects, a better 2023!