Get ready for sales
My journey started in 1986 in the credit management and financial services business; now 36 years later there are still new areas to discover. I have seen the business from different angles, from an operational perspective in the beginning and business development and sales later on during my career. Read more, how his journey in the industry has evolved!
"Add value wherever I can, sometimes by listening and advising customers/colleagues and sometimes by creating a new service or improved way of working is my great passion of work"

After school my first job was at the accounting department of a shipping agency from Norway. Accounting is not my passion I discovered quickly so I decided to switch to the American credit information company D&B where I stayed for over 18 years. Credit risk, debt collection, outsourcing and the use of software and predictability models that’s what I liked most in my various roles within that company.
A switch to a Dutch company in more or less the same business, consumer checks, debt collection and purchasing debt portfolios I had several roles in sales and operations and I was finally part of the “get ready for sales” team .
After the buyout of the management, I decided to leave and joined a law firm.
At the law firm my role as a director was to develop the business to grow and after that I made a move to a bailiff firm as client relations director.
I learned a lot in those years and finally made the decision to join a software company, which was planning to sell the business in a few years’ time. Different ball game restructuring and redefining sales and subscription strategies and hand over to the new owners. After that I took a sabbatical to travel through Spain.
Joined Accountor, redefined sales and together with my marketing colleague we implemented a new sales strategy to be able to grow. And here I am today.
Some facts about our Netherlands sales and marketing team.
Accountor Netherlands sales and marketing team only exists of just 2 people. Listen to each other’s ideas and freedom to test out things is our success. We developed a new strategy in the past 2 years and successfully implemented a new service “establishing an office in The Netherlands”. Our financial services department services numerous international companies with their accounting and payroll and assists companies with all kind of activities related to the establishment of a legal entity in the Netherlands.
We can always use some extra support, look at our vacancies and call us.