How does Accountor show courage and what have we done to innovate?
Courage and future are two of Accountor’s values meaning that we have courage to stretch our comfort zone to create a better future for us and our clients. We took a quick round in six Accountor countries and asked how we show courage and look to the future during the pandemic crisis.

Connecting closer to our clients
2020 has been a global challenge affecting people and businesses. In Accountor Ukraine and Accountor Netherlands we’ve connected closer to our clients, giving them advise on the “from home way of working” and helping them creating procedures to help people perform at the same or even higher level than before Covid. If there has ever been a time to adopt automation and robotics to create a smarter way of doing work and improve profitability, it is now.
Guido Wellig, CEO
Accountor Netherlands and Ukraine
Speeding up automatization
In Accountor Norway we understood already early 2020 that this is the point of time when we must have courage to turn a challenging situation into opportunity. We concluded that digitalization is the key element: we strengthened and speeded up our restructuring and automatization project. Secondly, we saw that now it is the time to create additional services: we have advised customers e.g. with government support packages. Thirdly, we decided to attract customers also in bigger segments.
Timo Matinpalo, CEO
Accountor Norway

Keeping our eyes on future and how to better serve our customers
In Finland more and more companies expect consultative service from their accounting partners in addition to classic bookkeeping. To meet these expectations Accountor is putting significant emphasis on human input and on developing expertise of the specialists: We want to be a partner who advices, analyzes and plans together with the customers. Throughout the challenging year 2020 we kept on pushing towards this goal, and the work continues still.
Another big step towards serving our customers better was to merge our finance, payroll, and HR services companies as one business entity. From the beginning of 2021 our Finnish customers only need one partner to help them with financial, legal, taxation, and HR needs.
Teemu Immonen, HR Director
Accountor Finland

Supporting our clients
In Sweden we adapted quickly to our new situation, building internal competence among our consultants as well as structure for working and sharing competence remotely. All to be able to better to support each other and help customers in the new situation with rule changes, government support, etc.
We believe that this crisis has brought us and our customers closer. In this extraordinary situation, customers have needed to have a close dialogue with us.
We have been brave and not let Covid stop us from continuing to innovate our offering, including increasing digitization and robotisation remotely. I think this is really an achievement!
The fact that our customers are more satisfied than ever confirms that we, despite Covid, are doing a lot of things right. Our employees also keep their motivation up despite remote work and a lot changes - a completely new way of working.
Magnus Högvall, CEO
Accountor Sweden