Full control of the accounts with digital solutions
With digital accounting solutions, Sentrum Sport at Trysilsenteret has a good overview of the economy. Accountor has control over the accounts, so that the busy sports shop can do what they are best at: Helping sporty customers in the Trysil area.
When Sentrum Sport was to change the accounting provider, it was important for them to get a full overview of the accounts and get it digitized: “With digital solutions we have got a better overview and a lighter everyday life. I can at any time see all of the accounts on my own PC. It gives me full control of both payments and payments, ”says Thorbjørn Lyseggen, general manager of Sentrum Sport Trysil.
Local presents
The local association with the accountant was also important: "By using Accountor Trysil as accountant, we support the value creation in the local community, and that gives us a close relationship with our accountant," says Thorbjørn. Right from the start, Sentrum Sport has worked well with Accountor Trysil. With a good introduction to the accounting program and the reporting program, the sports shop can enter and check its own numbers. It is the overview you need when leading a business.
Get rid of payments
When Accountor takes care of the accounts, Thorbjørn can focus on the operation of Sentrum Sport. The Center Sport would prefer to do what they can best, and has therefore left Accountor to take care of the accounts. Accountor takes care of paying out outstanding payments, and the vendors are also happy that the bills are always paid in time.
With the accountant "just around the corner", the collaboration is also easy: "Since we have chosen a local accountant, we also find that the dialogue is fine. It's easy to pick up the phone, send mail, or arrange a meeting. With Accountor, we have an accountant who is conscientious and careful, and who always delivers reports at the right time. ”
Sentrum Sport Trysil is part of the Sport1 chain, and was named this year's Sport1 store in 2014.